Green Riot
In the end of 2021 I decided to live a year of activism, seeking to increase the environmental impact in my daily life. During 2022, I met and participated in different groups that seek to regenerate the environment and the social fabric, and I thought, these projects must be shown and their effect must be increased. This is how I started documenting trough photography projects like Urban Guerrillas, Repair Cafe, Kitchen Bike, Critical Mass, community gardens, open kitchens, zero waste, permaculture tours and events and circular economy talks.
I realized, all of them have something in common, all those individuals need to eat, and my passion for food systems emerged. So I decided to bring this photography project to another level and create a panel discussion with the groups-themes were relevant to the food chain.
Green Riot at Degrowth Festival
oct. 8th 2023
Ceres Brunswick
This 2023, I have had the opportunity to organize and facilitate an honest and transversal conversation about the food system, how can we improve it, and what are our dreams about it.
I invite you to this talk this October 8th, at Ceres.